
The website is a pivotal tool for associations aiming to elevate their events. It’s more than just an online presence; it’s a dynamic engagement hub. This comprehensive guide delves into how associations can harness their websites to enhance event marketing, engagement, and post-event interactions, ensuring a lasting impact on attendees.

Before the Event: Laying the Groundwork

  1.       Creating an Engaging Event Landing Page
  • Essential Details: Clearly outline the event’s date, time, location, registration fee, and purpose.
  • Highlighting Perks: Emphasize unique benefits such as networking opportunities, keynote speakers, or exclusive content.
  • Visual Engagement: Use high-quality images, videos, and your association’s branding to make the landing page visually compelling and consistent with your brand identity.
  1.       Generating Excitement with Blog Content
  • Informative Posts: Write about how attending the event can benefit members professionally, offer sneak peeks of critical sessions, or feature testimonials from previous attendees.
  • Regular Updates: Keep the momentum going with regular blog updates leading up to the event, maintaining interest and excitement.
  1.       Streamlining the Registration Process
  • Integrated Registration Forms: Embed a simple, user-friendly registration form on the landing page to simplify the sign-up process.
  • Efficient Data Collection: Request only essential information to minimize barriers to registration.

During the Event: Enhancing the Experience

  1.       Centralized Information Hub
  • Detailed Schedule and Directory: Provide an easy-to-navigate program agenda and a list of attendees or speakers.
  • Engagement Platforms: Offer forums or discussion boards for attendees to network and discuss sessions in real time.
  1.       Exclusive Content Access
  • Private Web Pages: Utilize membership website builders to create secure areas for attendees to access exclusive content and updates.

After the Event: Maintaining Engagement

  1.       Gathering Valuable Feedback
  • Online Surveys: Deploy surveys on your website to gather attendee feedback, crucial for improving future events.
  1.       Sharing Event Highlights and Resources
  • Compelling Recaps: Use blog posts to share event highlights and insights, keeping the conversation going post-event.
  • Archive Access: Make recordings and transcripts available to attendees, ensuring they can revisit sessions they found valuable.
  1.       Post-Event Communication
  • Thanking Attendees: Update the event landing page with a thank-you message summarizing the key takeaways.
  • Personalized Emails: Send individual thank-you emails to foster stronger connections with attendees.

Enhancing Events with BeLive by MultiTV

Incorporating BeLive by MultiTV can revolutionize your association’s event strategy, complementing your website’s capabilities.

  • Seamless Streaming: BeLive offers high-quality streaming for virtual components of your event, ensuring a smooth experience for remote attendees.
  • Interactive Elements: Enhance engagement with interactive features like live polls, Q&A sessions, and virtual networking lounges.
  • Customization Options: Tailor the digital event environment to align with your association’s branding, creating a cohesive and immersive experience.
  • Analytics for Insight: Utilize BeLive’s analytics to gain insights into attendee behaviour and preferences, which can inform future event planning.


Your website is a potent tool for enhancing the impact of your association’s events. By strategically using your website for event marketing, engagement, and follow-up, you can create more comprehensive, memorable, and impactful experiences for your attendees. Integrating BeLive by MultiTV into this strategy further enriches the experience, offering a seamless, interactive, and customizable platform that resonates with your audience. Embrace these strategies to transform your association’s events into dynamic, engaging, and impactful experiences.

Stay updated on the latest trends and strategies in event management, and explore how leveraging platforms like BeLive can transform your approach to association events in today’s fast-paced digital era

Jatin Maan

Jatin Maan

Jatin Maan is a beacon of enthusiasm, and his eyes are alight with a creative spark whenever the media and marketing world is mentioned. With nine years of rich experience, he's not just seasoned; he's driven by a deep-seated passion to push the boundaries of digital marketing and content.