Over 900 listed companies used MultiTV’s Virtual event platform last year to conduct their Annual General Meetings. This year, the situation is different, the pandemic has slowed down, the majority population is vaccinated but we don’t know which new variant may pop-up and we might have to go back to the virtual world again. 

While planning for AGM in 2022, the AGM organizers are keeping this factor in mind while not willing to let go of the chance of meeting their shareholders in person. This makes hybrid AGM a viable option.  Hybrid events save cost on part of shareholders who are not willing to travel, shareholders will have their say both virtually and physically at one time allowing more flexibility when deciding how best represent investment interests.

What are Virtual and Hybrid AGMs

A virtual AGM, or Annual General Meeting, is an online meeting where shareholders can participate from their computers or devices. This type of AGM can be used to save on costs for both the shareholders and the company.

A Hybrid AGM is an event that combines a physical meeting with online components. This type of AGM can provide the best of both worlds for shareholders who want to attend the meeting in person, but may not be able to due to travel restrictions or costs.

Benefits of a hybrid AGM

There are many benefits of a hybrid AGM over a traditional in-person meeting or a virtual AGM such as 

Cost savings – A hybrid AGM can save on costs for both shareholders and the company. For shareholders, there are no travel costs associated with attending the meeting. For the company, the venue rental costs or catering costs can be brought down as in-person audience would be a smaller number.

Flexibility – A hybrid AGM can provide shareholders with the flexibility to attend the meeting in person or virtually. This can be helpful for shareholders who may not be able to travel to the meeting location.

Increased participation – A hybrid AGM can increase shareholder participation. This is because shareholders who would not normally attend the meeting in person can participate virtually.

Improved communication – A hybrid AGM can improve communication between shareholders and the company. This is because shareholders can ask questions and provide feedback during the meeting.

What you need to consider when planning a hybrid AGM

When planning a hybrid AGM, there are a few things you need to consider.

Some of the things you need to consider when planning a hybrid AGM include:

The format of the meeting – The format of the hybrid AGM should be designed to allow for both in-person and virtual participation.

The agenda – The agenda for the hybrid AGM should be designed to allow for both in-person and virtual participation.

The technology – The technology used for the hybrid AGM should be able to support both in-person and virtual participation.

The logistics – The logistics for the hybrid AGM should be designed to allow for both in-person and virtual participation.

How to find a tech stack for your AGM 

When it comes to finding the perfect tech stack for your hybrid AGM, there are a few things you’ll need to take into account.

  1. You’ll want to make sure that you’re not overspending on unnecessary tech. Make sure that you prioritize what’s important to your business and find a tech stack that can accommodate those needs.
  2. The scalability and robustness of a technology platform are essential for an AGM. As the company grows, the platform must be able to handle increased traffic and accommodate new features and functionality. The platform must also be reliable and stable so that users can count on it to perform as expected. If the platform fails or experiences downtime, it can have a significant impact on the company’s bottom line.
  3. The AGM platform should have a secure online voting system that can be used by your organization for shareholder votes. The platform should have the latest security technologies to protect user data and ensure the integrity of the voting process.
  4. The company should have a support team who is able to handle all your technical queries and can provide tactical support while your event is in progress.

Steps to make your AGM Successful

Annual General Meeting is an important affair for the company. Its a mandated corporate governance step that you have to take. You have a chance to meet your investors, mixture and exchange of ideas. You can share the progress report from the last year, prepare and present your growth projection for next year.

Keep everyone informed

The digital age is upon us, and with it comes new opportunities for businesses to communicate with your shareholders, directors, stakeholders. The first key step to proceed for Virtual AGM is to make sure that everyone in the organization can attend AGM . 

Send out notices for all levels of interested parties, including those who may not yet know what an upcoming event will look like or how long it’ll last – just let them know you’re holding one soon!

The date/time , invites, e-mail , and links of the meeting etc., should be included so people are aware when and how this takes place ; there’s no point having something important occur behind closed doors without anyone else around.

Practice Makes perfect

No matter what technology you choose for your hybrid AGM, it’s important to practice using it. The more you use it, the more comfortable you’ll be with it. In terms of your team’s skill set, you’ll want to make sure that they’re comfortable using the tech stack that you choose. If they’re not, it could lead to frustration and wasted time trying to learn new things. Make sure that you take the time to train your team on how to use the various tools in your tech stack so that they can be as productive as possible.

Test Virtual Capacity

If you want to test the capabilities of a platform make sure you check load balancing and scalability while testing the virtual capacity. You should know in advance at what capacity the system runs optimal.

Back up plan for errors 

We all know how important it is to have a backup plan for anything worth doing. But did you also remember that in order not only to be prepared but actually get things done, your next step should always involve creating more than one option? This way if something goes wrong with any speakers or connections during the event then at least some part of what was planned will still happen!

Craft a script for AGM

To ensure that your AGM goes smoothly, it is important to have a clear and concise script prepared in advance. This will help to keep the meeting on track and ensure that all of the necessary information is covered. Here are some tips for crafting an effective AGM script:

-Start by introducing the board members and executive team.

-Give a brief overview of the company’s accomplishments over the past year.

-Outline the main agenda items for the meeting.

-Allow time for questions and discussion on each agenda item.

-End with a summary of the meeting and any important announcements.

How to prepare the agenda for your Hybrid AGM

  • Introduce the topic of the meeting
  • Discuss what will be covered during the meeting including the voting process
  • Follow up on any previous meetings or action items
  • Wrap up the meeting and adjourn

Keep audience engaged throughout 

As technology advances, so must the way we hold events. No longer are in-person meetings necessary to get everyone on the same page. A virtual AGM can provide all the information and discussion you need without the hassle and expense of travel. But not all virtual AGMs are created equal. Make sure you’re using the right technology to optimize your meeting experience. 

If so, all the time you ensure that you’re taking advantage of all the latest engagement tools and technology. From video conferencing and polling tools to social media integration and gamification, there are many ways to keep your attendees engaged and motivated. 

We have hold more than 900 Virtual AGMs this year. If that number doesn’t baffle you, we have also conducted multiple AGMs where 50000+ Shareholders were present virtually.

MultiTV can help you plan and execute your hybrid AGM successfully with years of experience in hosting virtual events and providing live streaming solutions. We have a robust technology, an expert team of event professionals for your support during the event, we can take care of the necessary documentation and compliance while you run your AGM smoothly.

Contact us today to learn more about our Hybrid AGM solution.